19 research outputs found

    Cournot Versus Supply Functions: What does the Data Tell us?

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    The liberalization of the electricity sector increases the need for realistic and robust models of the oligopolistic interaction of electricity firms. This paper compares the two most popular models: Cournot and the Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE), and tests which model describes the observed market data best. Using identical demand and supply specifications, both models are calibrated to the German electricity market by varying the contract cover of firms. Our results show that each model explains an identical fraction of the observed price variation. We therefore suggest using Cournot models for short term analysis, as more market details, such as network constraints, can be accommodated. As the SFE model is less sensitive to the choice of the calibration parameters, it might be more appropriate for long term analysis, such as the study of a merger.supply function equilibrium;Cournot competition;electricity markets

    Cournot versus Supply Functions: What Does the Data tell us?

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    The liberalization of the electricity sector increases the need for realistic and robust models of the oligopolistic interaction of electricity firms. This paper compares the two most popular models: Cournot and the Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE), and tests which model describes the observed market data best. Using identical demand and supply specifications, both models are calibrated to the German electricity market by varying the contract cover of firms. Our results show that each model explains an identical fraction of the observed price variation. We therefore suggest using Cournot models for short term analysis, as more market details, such as network constraints, can be accommodated. As the SFE model is less sensitive to the choice of the calibration parameters, it might be more appropriate for long term analysis, such as the study of a merger.supply function equilibrium;Cournot competition;electricity markets

    Pedagogical Conditions for the Realization of the Right of Every Child to Intellectual Development

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    The article presents recommendations for creating pedagogical conditions for the realization of the right of every child to intellectual development.В статье представлены рекомендации по созданию педагогических условий для реализации права каждого ребенка на интеллектуальное развитие

    The role of quality nutritional products in the modern diet

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    Метою даної статті є дослідження впливу вживання якісної їжі на організм людини та правильно організованого раціону. Виявлено незадовільну якість продовольчої продукції, яку споживають українці, а також низький рівень знань щодо раціону харчування. Стаття присвячена дослідженню актуальності основних принципів здорового, збалансованого харчування людини, якості продуктів харчування, користі та шкоди від вживання продуктiв харчування. Методика. При вирішенні поставлених завдань нами використано ряд методів дослідження: методи статистичного аналізу – для оцінки стану організму людини при споживання корисних, якісних продуктів харчування, а також методи аналізу та синтезу, порівняльних характеристик щодо проблем харчування. Результати. У статті проаналізовано вплив харчування та якості продуктів на здоров’я людини, особливо важливо це стало в період пандемії. Визначено основні проблеми з якими стикаються люди, через те, що споживають не корисні продукти харчування щодня та запропоновано вживання продуктів харчування, які позитивно впливають на діяльність організму і завдяки щоденному вживанню таких продуктів харчування знижується ризик виникнення хронічних захворювань. Практична значимість результатів дослідження полягає у наступному: використання принципів здорового, збалансованого харчування людини; моніторинг якості продуктів харчування; пропагування здорового способу життя, що досягається збалансованим раціоном харчування, цьому повинні сприяти й різноманітні соціально-економічні програми.Purpose. The article is devoted to the study of the relevance of the basic principles of human nutrition, foods that affect health, the quality of foods consumed. Unsatisfactory quality of food consumed by people was revealed. The main reasons for this trend are identified. Innovations related to healthy and high-quality nutrition are described. Method. In solving the tasks we used a number of research methods: methods of statistical analysis - to assess the state of the human body when consuming healthy foods, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative characteristics of nutrition problems. Results. The article analyzes the impact of nutrition on human health, especially during the pandemic. The main problems that people face due to the fact that they consume unhealthy foods every day are identified and the use of foods that have a positive effect on the body is proposed and due to the daily consumption of such foods reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Scientific novelty. Prospects for further scientific novelty are the analysis of current trends in balanced nutrition. For young children, a healthy and balanced diet is important for growth and development. For older people, this can help ensure a healthier and more active life. Practical importance. It has been found the results of the study are as follows: the use of the principles of healthy, balanced human nutrition; food quality monitoring; promotion of a healthy lifestyle that achieves a balanced diet, while it is necessary to create a variety of socio-economic programs

    К вопросу современной изученности водного стока малых рек, впадающих в Обскую и Тазовскую губы

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    Fresh water supply is a basic need of the gas and oil industry of the Yamal-Gydan region. Small rivers flowing into the Ob’ and Taz Bay could be used for solving this problem. The purpose of the study is to summarise the available research data on the runoff of small rivers and to calculate the catchment areas using GIS technologies. The study covers more than 200 small rivers in the catchment area of the Ob’ and Taz Bay. It is established that there have been no stationary observations of the water runoff on them. Expedition observations of water discharges of small rivers are summarized. More than 40 small rivers are involved in water consumption. The runoff data from water users in the State Water Registry are questionable and need to be critically analyzed. Published annual runoff maps of the Yamal-Gydan region are presented in a unified form. Consolidation of the annual runoff maps showed an overall latitudinal distribution of the runoff isolines. The reliability of river runoff estimates from maps is largely determined by the accuracy of the catchment area calculations. GIS calculation of the river catchment areas has been done using two methods. Automated digitization by DEM has given incorrect results, which need to be verified. Manual digitization of catchments is labour-intensive, but gives reliable results for the lowland relief of the Yamal-Gydan region. For the first time, small rivers’ catchment areas obtained by GIS have been calculated. Difficulties arise in using the names of small rivers, which are different from one source to another. It is necessary to organize government monitoring on small rivers including obligatory measurements of water discharge, first of all on the Sabetta-Yakha, Se-Yakha and Messo-Yakha rivers, which provide fresh water to economic facilities. The modeling of runoff formation and the use of satellite image data are promising directions of runoff assessment.Актуальность исследования связана с возможностью использования водных ресурсов малых рек, впадающих в Обскую и Тазовскую губы, для обеспечения пресной водой населения и газонефтедобывающей промышленности ЯНАО. Цель работы — обобщить данные исследований стока малых рек и рассчитать площади водосборов малых рек с помощью ГИС-технологий. Объектами исследования являются более 200 малых рек водосбора Обской и Тазовской губ. Установлено, что стационарные наблюдения за стоком воды на них не проводились. Обобщены фондовые экспедиционные наблюдения ААНИИ по измеренным расходам воды. Современные данные по стоку воды от водопользователей, помещенные в АИС ГМВО, являются спорными и нуждаются в критическом анализе. В едином виде представлены ранее изданные карты годового слоя стока Ямало-Гыданского региона, отмечено схожее широтное распределение изолиний стока. Надежность оценки речного стока по картам в значительной степени определяется точностью вычисления площади водосбора. ГИС-расчеты водосборных площадей рек были выполнены двумя методами. Автоматизированная оцифровка по ЦМР ASTER показала некорректный результат. Ручная оцифровка водосборов трудоемка, но получены надежные результаты для равнинного рельефа Ямало-Гыданского региона. Впервые с помощью ГИС были получены линии водоразделов и значения площадей водосборов малых рек. При идентификации конкретных рек возникают трудности, обусловленные разночтениями их наименований в разных источниках. Необходима организация государственного мониторинга на малых реках, включая обязательные измерения расходов воды, в первую очередь на реках Сабетта-Яха, Се-Яха, Мессо-Яха, обеспечивающих пресной водой хозяйственные объекты. Перспективными направлениями оценки стока являются моделирование формирования стока и использование данных спутниковых снимков

    Geographical Distribution, Incidence, Malignancies, and Outcome of 136 Eastern Slavic Patients With Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome and NBN Founder Variant c.657_661del5

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    Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is a DNA repair disorder characterized by combined immunodeficiency and a high predisposition to lymphoid malignancies. The majority of NBS patients are identified with a homozygous five base pair deletion in the Nibrin (NBN) gene (c.657_661del5, p.K219fsX19) with a founder effect observed in Caucasian European populations, especially of Slavic origin. We present here an analysis of a cohort of 136 NBS patients of Eastern Slav origin across Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, and Latvia with a focus on understanding the geographic distribution, incidence of malignancy, and treatment outcomes of this cohort. Our analysis shows that Belarus had the highest prevalence of NBS (2.3 per 1,000,000), followed by Ukraine (1.3 per 1,000,000), and Russia (0.7 per 1,000,000). Of note, the highest concentration of NBS cases was observed in the western regions of Belarus and Ukraine, where NBS prevalence exceeds 20 cases per 1,000,000 people, suggesting the presence of an “Eastern Slavic NBS hot spot.” The median age at diagnosis of this cohort ranged from 4 to 5 years, and delay in diagnosis was more pervasive in smaller cities and rural regions. A total of 62 (45%) patients developed malignancies, more commonly in males than females (55.2 vs. 34.2%; p=0.017). In 27 patients, NBS was diagnosed following the onset of malignancies (mean age: 8 years). Malignancies were mostly of lymphoid origin and predominantly non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) (n=42, 68%); 38% of patients had diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The 20-year overall survival rate of patients with malignancy was 24%. However, females with cancer experienced poorer event-free survival rates than males (16.6% vs. 46.8%, p=0.036). Of 136 NBS patients, 13 underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) with an overall survival of 3.5 years following treatment (range: 1 to 14 years). Indications for HSCT included malignancy (n=7) and immunodeficiency (n=6). Overall, 9% of patients in this cohort reached adulthood. Adult survivors reported diminished quality of life with significant physical and cognitive impairments. Our study highlights the need to improve timely diagnosis and clinical management of NBS among Eastern Slavs. Genetic counseling and screening should be offered to individuals with a family history of NBS, especially in hot spot regions. © Copyright © 2021 Sharapova, Pashchenko, Bondarenko, Vakhlyarskaya, Prokofjeva, Fedorova, Savchak, Mareika, Valiev, Popa, Tuzankina, Vlasova, Sakovich, Polyakova, Rumiantseva, Naumchik, Kulyova, Aleshkevich, Golovataya, Minakovskaya, Belevtsev, Latysheva, Latysheva, Beznoshchenko, Akopyan, Makukh, Kozlova, Varabyou, Ballow, Ong, Walter, Kondratenko, Kostyuchenko and Aleinikova.We thank all doctors for clinical help for patients. We also appreciate the support of patient and their parents for agreeing to take part in this study. TP thanks Sergey?Nikulshin, Marika Grutupa, and Zanna Kovalova. We thank Joseph Dasso for editing this manuscript, primarily for proper English

    Cournot versus supply functions:What does the data tell us?

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    This paper compares two popular models of oligopolistic electricity markets, Cournot and the Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE), and then tests which model best describes the observed market data. Using identical demand and supply specifications, both models are calibrated to the German electricity market by varying the contract cover of firms. Our results show that each model explains almost the same fractions of the observed price variations. We therefore suggest using Cournot models for short-term analysis, since these models can accommodate additional market details, such as network constraints, and the SFE model for long-term analysis (e.g., the study of a merger) since it is less sensitive to the calibration parameters selected

    Cournot versus supply functions: What does the data tell us?

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    status: publishe

    Cournot versus Supply Functions: What Does the Data tell us?

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    The liberalization of the electricity sector increases the need for realistic and robust models of the oligopolistic interaction of electricity firms. This paper compares the two most popular models: Cournot and the Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE), and tests which model describes the observed market data best. Using identical demand and supply specifications, both models are calibrated to the German electricity market by varying the contract cover of firms. Our results show that each model explains an identical fraction of the observed price variation. We therefore suggest using Cournot models for short term analysis, as more market details, such as network constraints, can be accommodated. As the SFE model is less sensitive to the choice of the calibration parameters, it might be more appropriate for long term analysis, such as the study of a merger